Celebutard Justice at last!
Paris Hilton has been sent back to jail to serve her full 45 day sentence.

The combatants:
Agent Bedhead says: Hilton is back at the Lynwood Hilton
A Socialite's Life says: Paris Hilton going back to jail; someone finally had a lick of sense in their head
Best Week Ever says: Paris is going back to jail!
Cele|bitchy says: Paris going back to jail!
Defamer says: Judge orders Paris back to jail, immediate halt of all cupcake deliveries
Dlisted says: Paris has to serve entire 45 days!
Egotastic says: Paris Hilton is going back to jail!!!!!
The Evil Beet says: Paris is going back to jail
Haute Gossip says: Paris slapped back in jail. This time for the full 45 days. There is a God.
Hollywood Rag says: Crying Paris Hilton goes back to the slammer
I Don't Like You In That Way says: Paris Hilton back to jail, back to 45 days minus 5
I'm Not Obsessed says: Paris Hilton is going back to jail
Lainey Gossip says: Rocky rules!!!
Popsugar says: Paris back to jail!!!!!
Seriously? OMG! WTF?! says: Paris is going back to jail for her 45 day sentence
The Superficial says: Paris Hilton ordered back to jail
What Would Tyler Durden Do says: Paris is back in jail
Who said it best:
It's hard to stop smiling long enough to pick a winner, so here are three:
Judge Sauer wasted little time in telling Paris to go directly to jail: do not go home, do not stop at Hyde for a last round of drinks. (Agent Bedhead)Image via INF Photo
Ladies and gentlemen, if life were a movie, this would be the point when you turn to your friend and say “This is the best movie ever made.” (Best Week Ever)
Some witnesses say they saw a rainbow above the courtroom. And others say they saw a giant man in the clouds with a white beard nodding his head approvingly. And 0me? Well I saw Judge Michael Sauer grow to be twelve feet tall, with muscles the size of tree trunks. And when he smiled, little cartoon hearts appeared above my head and there was a strange tingling sensation in my pants. (The Superficial)
Labels: Celebrity Justice, Paris Hilton