Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is there another bun in that overexposed oven?

The story:
Britney Spears is rumoured to be pregnant with her 3rd child. No word on who the father might be.

The combatants:
Agent Bedhead says: Britney has got to keep her knees shut
A Socialite's Life says: Oh Brit-Brit, say it ain't so
Best Week Ever says: Out of ideas for improving her image, has Britney gotten herself pregnant again?
Celebitchy says: Please don't let Britney be pregnant again
Defamer says: Does Britney have a bun of indeterminate parentage in the oven?
Dlisted says: Is Brit Brit knocked up again?
Egotastic says: Please tell me Britney Spears isn't pregnant again
Popsugar says: Britney pregnant again???
Tabloid Whore says: Rumors swirl that Britney is pregnant again
What Would Tyler Durden Do says: Again?

Who said it best:
Best Week Ever can smell a comeback in the works:
But what better way to repair her polluted reputation in the eye of the press than bringing another life into the world, perhaps one who’s not even sure which wifebeater-wearing Vanilla Ice wannabe is its father - and is likely braindamaged due to its mother’s constantly mainlining Smirnoff Ice mixed with Red Bull?

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