Thursday, January 18, 2007

A years worth of AA may finally pay off

The story:
In the least surprising news since Britney Spears kicked Kfed to the curb, Lindsay Lohan finally checked into rehab.

The combatants:
Agent Bedhead says: Lindsay Lohan takes the cure
A Socialite's Life says: Lindsay Lohan checks herself into rehab!
Celebrity Hijinx says: Le fall de la Lohan
Cele|bitchy says: Lohan's in rehab
CelebNewsWire says: Lindsay Lohan rehabs self
Defamer says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab, taking first step towards becoming fully adequite
Dlisted says: Blohan goes to rehab
Egotastic says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab, hell freezes over
Faded Youth says: The inevitable happens: Lilo enters rehab
Glitterati Gossip says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab
Haute Gossip says: Blohan's entered rehab
Hollywood Rag says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab
I Don't Like You In That Way says: Lindsay Lohan goes to rehab
I'm Not Obsessed says: Lindsay Lohan checks into rehab
Lainey Gossip says: Saving Lindsay Lohan
Mollygood says: Time to (ade)quit drinking
Popsugar says: Lohan enters rehab!!
Seriously? OMG! WTF?! says: About time...Lindsay Lohan in rehab
The Superficial says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab
Tabloid Whore says: Lindsay Lohan finally enters rehab
What Would Tyler Durden Do says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab
Yeeeah says: Lindsay Lohan enters rehab

Who said it best:
Haute Gossip thinks Linds is just following the trend here:
Seriously, rehab is the new black ain't it? All the cool kids get hooked and then check in.
Image via Best Week Ever

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