Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Braveheart meets his match

The story:
Mel Gibson is putting his Malibu manse up for sale as he no longer wants to live next door to the chaos that is the Spederlines.

Image via Best Week Ever
The combatants:
Haute Gossip says: Even Mel is sick of Spederline
Defamer says: Mel Gibson driven out of Malibu by white trash neighbors
Popsugar says: Britney and Kevin drive Mel Gibson away
Mollygood says: You could be Britney Spears neighbour (all you need is a few million and a love for chaos)
Best Week Ever says: Federlines torture Mel Gibson into retreat
Tabloid Whore says: Mel Gibson puts house up for sale. Has had enough of sinful Spears/Federline clan
What Would Tyler Durden Do says: Britney Spears drives people away
A Socialite's Life says: Mel Gibson's tired of living near Britney Spears

Who said it best:
Best Week Ever gives us a glimpse at what Mel might be seeing from his kitchen window:
When you own a 24 million dollar mansion, you shouldn’t have to wake up every morning to the sounds of Kevin’s awful hip-hop and Britney’s tortured sobbing, intermingled with the smells of unchanged diapers and the cheap weed K-Fed’s “posse” is smoking.

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