Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Limbaugh thinks MJF is fakin' the shakin'

The story:
Rush Limbaugh thinks that Michael J Fox stopped taking his Parkinson's medication before filming a stem cell research ad in order to appear as sick as possible.

The combatants:
Best Week Ever says: The Daily Douche: Rush is retarded, as usual
The Superficial says: Rush Limbaugh is an asshole
Defamer says: Rush Limbaugh almost positive Michael J Fox will drop the Parkinson's act if somebody yells 'fire'
Popsugar says: Rush Limbaugh is an a**hole
A Socialite's Life says: Rush Limbaugh's an ass
I Don't Like You In That Way says: Rush Limbaugh has it all figured out
Dlisted says: Fakin' the shake?
Hollywood Rag says: Rush Limbaugh disses Michael J Fox

Who said it best:
A Socialite's Life may have found the reason behind Limbaugh's attack:
And I can honestly feel sympathy for Rush, because I know--unlike most people--that he also suffers from a grave affliction against which he has no defense--diarrhea of the mouth. That's also why his head's so puffy and swollen--because of all that shit just dying to get out.
Image via Dlisted

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