Wednesday, October 25, 2006

High price Hilton

The story:
Paris Hilton is looking for someone to pay her $100,000 (plus expenses) to host their New Year's Eve party. Carmen Electra is a relative bargain at only $50,000 for the night.

The combatants:
The Superficial says: Carmen Electra and Paris Hilton looking for work
Popsugar says: Paris Hilton is overpriced
Celebrity Hijinx says: New Year C*ntdown
A Socialite's Life says: Rent-a-tramp
Mollygood says: Own a piece of Paris for a cool 100 grand
Egotastic says: Paris Hilton is just plain greedy
Dlisted says: It will cost you another $100,000 to have her stank removed
Hollywood Rag says: Buy Paris Hilton or Carmen Electra

Who said it best:
For $100,000 Mollygood thinks you may get more than you bargained for:
Sure, Paris Hilton is really only looking to get paid a hundred grand to host the party, but it's not like you wouldn't end up with a piece of her--be it in vomit form, used thong, discarded shipping heir, crabs for everyone, or even Nicole Richie's carcass, there'd be something to remember her forever by.
Image via Gallery of the Absurd



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