Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pete Doherty is still an idiot

The story:
Kate Moss rushed Pete Doherty to the ER after he got the supermodel's engagement ring stuck on his finger.

The combatants:
Agent Bedhead says: The perils of putting things where they don't belong
Best Week Ever says: Sizzler: Pete Doherty rushed to the ER
Dlisted says: Coke ring
Mollygood says: Sigh. Maybe Kate should buy Pete a pretty ring too, so he doesn't feel quite so left out
Popsugar says: Kate and Pete end up in the hospital
Yeeeah says: Pete Doherty needs more lube

Who said it best:
While I love Yeeeah's headline, Agent Bedhead speaks for us all in their closer:
Let us all be grateful that he only placed the ring on his finger
Image via Popsugar

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