Friday, October 27, 2006

Not even her bum is hungry

The story:
Nicole Richie checked in to rehab to see why she isn't gaining weight.

The combatants:
The Superficial says: Nicole Richie seeks weight help, is a liar
Celebrity Hijinx says: Anorexia Chronicles: excuses, excuses
Popsugar says: Nicole's in rehab but doesn't have an eating disorder
A Socialite's Life says: Nicole Richie seeks treatment for nutrition issues
Mollygood says: Nicole Richie checks herself into center for (hamburger) help(er)
Hollywood Rag says: Nicole Richie needs help eating
CelebNewsWire says: Nicole Richie gets help with chewing and swallowing
Dlisted says: Nicole Richie in a fat camp to get fat
Mandy's Mind is Gossipy says: Nicole Richie is seeking treatment to gain weight
Yeeeah says: Nicole Richie doesn't have an eating disorder

Who said it best:
The Superficial ain't buying what Nicole's selling:
I'd buy that it's her metabolism or genes except that I've seen what she used to look like. Her natural state is that of rotundness. Pretending this is a medical condition is about as believable as claiming it's the work of a magical fairy named Butterscotch she found in her attic.

Image via Gallery of the Absurd

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