Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The story:
Lindsay Lohan was photographed *simulating* oral sex on the set of her new movie.

Image via Celebrity Hijinx
The combatants:
Celebitchy says: Lindsay Lohan gives a BJ in public
What Would Tyler Durden Do says: Ummm, what is Lindsay Lohan doing?
The Superficial says: Lindsay Lohan might be making porn
Mollygood says: Lohan practices her craft
Popsugar says: Lindsay Lohan caught in the act
Faded Youth says: Lindsay Lohan: girls gone wild
Defamer says: Lindsay Lohan finally gets to 3rd base
Celebrity Hijinx says: Lindsay is blowing them away in Hollywood

Who said it best:
WWTDD has the scoop on LL's new movie:
Okay, so these are obviously for a movie, shot yesterday on the set of 'Georgia Rule', a classic heart warming tale of a journey to the back of Lindsays throat.



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