Friday, May 05, 2006

A Nanny for K-Fed

The story:
Britney hired a "babysitter" to go on tour with K-Fed and keep him out of trouble.

Image via IDLYITW
The combatants:
The Scoop says: Britney hires a babysitter - for her husband
I Don't Like You In That Way says: K-Fed has a babysitter
Defamer says: Britney Spears baby rumours: K-Fed gets a babysitter
The Superficial says: Britney Spears doesn't trust Kevin Federline

Who said it best:
The Superficial comes up with a great comparison:
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have the kind of relationship I imagine Dr. Phil and Oprah to have. Where Dr. Phil pretends to speak his mind, but knows deep down in his heart that Oprah owns his soul.



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